Social Policies and MDG3. Costing exercises in Latin America and the Caribbean. Proposals and Recommendations for gender equality financing
Autoría: Raquel Coello
The proposals in this document are the result of the debates and discussions carried out in the reflection and exchange workshop on costing of social policies and MDG3: Building a future path for the region that The document is organized in a first introductory part that gathers the definition of the costing of equality policies, its justification and possible methodological approaches. Subsequently, it raises elements to analyze the fiscal policy framework in which the costing exercises are developed. The main challenges that these experiences have faced in the region are described below and some recommendations are made to overcome them. Finally, the document concludes with some strategies to enhance the use of these exercises and thus their results and impact.
- Publicado por: PNUD y ONU Mujeres
- Año de publicación: 2013
- País sobre el que trata la publicación: Varios
- Idioma: Inglés
- Temas: Presupuestos públicos y género
- Tipo de recurso: Marcos conceptuales
- Archivo de descarga: B3076bCoello_Va
- Referencia web:
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